Look Good Feel Better!

Look Good Feel Better!
11th June 2017 semipermanent
Look Good Feel Better Team
Just wanted to let you know what I’ve been up to this week.
Once a month I volunteer at The Big C at the Norfolk & Norwich Hospital, for a charity called Look Good Feel Better. It’s an international charity operating in over 35 countries worldwide, helping women and teenagers to face cancer with confidence through free skincare and makeup Workshops and Masterclasses.
It was introduced to the UK in 1994, and is now available in over 90 hospitals and cancer centres around the country.
Room set up, ready for the Make up Masterclass
I was first approached, many years ago when I worked in London as a Regional Make up artist, but working full time, I couldn’t commit to volunteering. But it had always been in the back of my mind…and since returning to Norwich, (and going self employed) I now dedicate one morning each month, volunteering to help these women.
Its set in a comfortable and inviting room, where the ladies arrive to be greeted by the Look Good Feel Better team of beauty and skincare advisers. They all take a seat and we have a short intro about the charity and how its supported by over 40 cosmetic companies, each donating various products.
Each lady receives a wonderful gift bag full of skincare and make up products, that they each can keep and take home.
Supporting women of all ages manage the visible side effects of cancer treatment
Then we get stuck in, showing them the benefits of each skincare product and how to use them. They then all have a go at removing their make up, (cleanse, tone & moisture) ready to have their make up masterclass.
Now the fun part… (especially for me!) is to demonstrate all the make up products, giving them a make up lesson with hints and tips on make up application, making the most of their skin/eyes/eyebrows etc. I normally do half the face and the patient copies the other half! The basic thinking behind LGFB is that if you look good it can help you to feel better-which is recognised by the different medical professionals involved in patients’ care and treatment.
Donna and myself (volunteers) after the Look Good Feel Better class
Its a fun and fulfilling 2 hours well spent, giving something back, playing with make up and helping women feel a bit better about themselves…
LGFB leaflet full of valuable hint and tips
We are always looking for volunteers, so if you could or know of anyone who’d like to volunteer, get in touch with me. You can do a few sessions per year or come monthly, the choice is yours and there’s no pressure.
It’s a relaxed and informal environment where a little bit of your time can really help and benefit others.
Call me on: 07919141075 

1 Comment

  1. Karen Jeanes 5 years ago

    Hi you sound just the lady I’d like to do my microblading and I’m also loving your liner ( lots of treatments coming here ? I’v seen your photos and I’v suffered with milia for years found a lady that done it as I get really upset but it’s my time to do things to make me feel better my PROFFSOR and my nursing team always sayin “ so have you booked your eyes yet as you have looked at loads ,it’s weriod as with me I’v got a condition that if people wax my brows and I tell them to hold skin as I’v got no collegen butvim in the start of having a magical land tattooed on my arms so I don’t need to have a letter from my doctor so I’m liking the way you are helping the cancer ladies so u will understand about me I’v got a feeding tube in as my oseahgus and tummy are paralysed so please can you tell me your prices and book me in for a patch test I’m karen mobile is 07809488416

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