Using Cryotherapy to treat unsightly skin lesions…
… is nothing new, however recent advances in this type of treatment means cryotherapy is more accessible and affordable than ever.
Many people suffer from skin lesions on their bodies and they can be annoying and distressing. However, help is at hand with advanced cryotherapy using the latest tool, the Cryopen.
Conditions such as age spots, warts and skin tags are no longer treated by GP’s as they are considered to be a cosmetic procedure. Having them removed can often be a costly visit to a private aesthetic clinic, or relying on over the counter treatments which deliver mixed results.
The treatment takes seconds to complete and causes very little discomfort with amazing results in just one go!
Cryotherapy treats skin lesions successfully in one treatment using a high pressure micro fine jet of cryogen with millimeter accuracy. Liquid CO2 freezes the water in the cell, forcing the cell to expand destroying the cell membrane.
The Cryopen is an ideal treatment at for:
From £70
Warts come in all shapes and sizes. They can affect any part of the body, but are more common on the hands and feet. They are caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV).
They tend to be round or oval-shaped (although some are long and thin)
- are usually firm and raised
- have a rough, irregular surface similar to a cauliflower (although some are smooth)
- vary in size, from less than 1mm to more than 1cm across
- can appear on their own or in a group
Warts are generally non-cancerous, but they may have the appearance of a cancerous lesion. It is always wise to get them checked by a qualified GP before treatment.
Skin Tags
Skin tags are small, soft, skin-coloured growths that hang off the skin and look a bit like warts.
- They’re very common, harmless, and can vary in colour and size, from a few millimetres up to 5cm (about 2 inches) wide.
- Skin tags are usually found on the neck, armpits, around the groin, or under the
- Skin tags are very common and usually harmless, but as with any skin lesion, it is wise to get them checked by a qualified GP before treatment.
If they appear on the face, neck or hands, you may choose to have them removed for cosmetic reasons.
Skin tags respond extremely well to cryotherapy and usually a single treatment is all that is needed to remove them.
Age Spots
Age spots are flat, brown , grey or black spots on the skin. They usually occur on areas that have been exposed to the sun. Age spots are also called liver spots, senile lentigines, solar lentigines or sun spots.
- They are caused when the body produces too much melanin or skin pigmentation.
- The most likely causes are UV exposure, either from the sun or tanning beds or simply the natural process of ageing.
- Since sun exposure is the main factor in causing skin cancers, age spots and solar lentigo can be mistaken for cancerous lesions, it is very important to get this type of lesion checked by a GP before treatment.
One treatment with the Cryopen is usually all that is required to remove this type of lesion.
After approximately 2 weeks of healing time, the age spots will have disappeared, leaving new blemish free skin. Your skin will be completely healed within 1-2 months. It’s simple, just keep it dry and use a high SPF once it’s healed.
- The cysts occur when keratin becomes trapped beneath the surface of the skin.
- The Cryopen is an extremely precise tool and it is possible to treat milia.
Milia are extremely responsive to cryotherapy and treatment is quick and virtually painless.
Cherry Angioma
Cherry Angiomas, also known as senile angiomas or Campbell de Morgan spots, are small raised bumps which appear reddish in colour. This is due to the broken blood vessels which are contained within them.
- They can appear on most areas of the body and do not usually cause problems other than being unsightly. They can occasionally bleed if they are knocked or bumped.
- They seem to occur on people who are aged over 30 and should be checked by a GP when they first appear or if they change in appearance over time.
- Cherry Angioma can appear on the body or face and can range in size from less than a millimeter to several millimeters in width.
The Cryopen works with pin-point accuracy to target the skin lesion and remove it without damaging the surrounding tissue.
Treating a Cherry Angioma is a simple task and many disappear after a single treatment although larger lesions may require more than one treatment to remove them completely.